

Recent works on fixed point theory for digital topology and its applications

发布时间:2017-06-01   浏览次数:0


In this talk, I would like to introduce recent works associated with fixed point property and almost fixed point property for digital spaces. The talk will be covered in the following areas: Digital images with digital connectivity; Alexandroff  topological spaces with adjacency; Khalimsky topological spaces with Khalimsky adjacency; Marcus-Wyse topological spaces with Marcus-Wyse adjacency; Kovalevsky's ALF-spaces; SST-topological spaces in Rn; The other Alexandroff topological methods; Order theoretical approach.

   Sang-Eon Han, Professor in Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea(韩国全北国立大学). 1998: Visiting Scholar in Dept. of Math. of Stanford University, USA; 2012.12--2014.12: Dean of Admissions of Chonbuk National University. Research interest:Algebraic toopology, Applied topology, Digital topology, Digital geometry, Graph theory, Combinatorial topology, Discrete applied mathematics.  Publications: 154 papers and 13 books.  Academic awards: Excellent paper award in Natural Sciences and Technology from The Korean Federation of Sciences and Technology Societies;  Excellent paper award in Mathematics from Honam Mathematical Society;  Academic prize from Honam Mathematical Society.
